Yosemite's Overhanging Rock
Only the Fearless Dare to Stand
by Frank
A. Sternad
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James McCauley's four miles of zigzagging horse trail was finally
completed to the top of Yosemite's Glacier Point in 1872,
photographers rejoiced at being able to transport their bulky
equipment to that wondrous lookout some 3200 feet above the valley
floor. McCauley charged an entrance toll, but the breathtaking vantage
point could now be reached with comparative ease, and the reward at
the end of the trail more than matched the expense. In the Valley, the
first known camera views revealing Yosemite's incredible splendor had
been taken only thirteen years earlier by Charles Leander Weed. His
images of Yosemite Falls and other attractions were published as
woodcuts in the October 1859 issue of Hutchings' California Magazine.
to Yosemite itself was greatly enhanced when three rudimentary state
roads burst through to the Valley from the outside world in the
mid-1870s. Wawona Road, coming from the south, was completed north of
Mariposa Grove in June 1875. A branch off Wawona, climbing the back of
Glacier Point to the summit, was finished in 1882. Over these dusty
roads came horse drawn stages carrying people bent on experiencing the
Yosemite already sensationalized through the images created by Weed,
Carleton E. Watkins, and Eadweard Muybridge.
first photographer to reside in Yosemite year-round was George Fiske.
A native of New Hampshire, he moved to the Valley in 1879 and built a
home and studio in the original village near the base of Sentinel
Rock. Some of the earliest images of Glacier Point's now famous
Overhanging Rock are by Fiske, taken in the '80s and '90s. The slender
granite boulder jutting out into space was occasionally photographed
with no one aboard, but the really spectacular shots (hence more
marketable) show the narrow surface occupied by one or more humans
perched "a few feet from eternity." Popular pictures that sold for
years as postcards were posed by Kitty Tatch, a waitress and maid at
the Sentinel Hotel. Obviously unawed by heights, Miss Tatch would
dance out onto the rock and do the high kick for photographers George
Fiske and Julius T. Boysen, then autograph the prints for admiring
buyers (1). After Fiske died in 1918, a young man who was impressed
with the photographer's style and dramatic use of light was allowed to
make prints from Fiske's negatives. His name was Ansel Adams.
pictures of Overhanging Rock were made with the camera pointed
eastward and upward, positioned on some lower level of the cliff-top
or perhaps on Four-Mile Trail just below the crest. This point of view
effectively conveys a sense of great height. With the protruding rock
and its precious cargo silhouetted against the sky, and Half Dome,
Liberty Cap, and Yosemite's high country looming in the distance, a
dizzying perspective is achieved. Early postcards such as the
undivided backs printed in 1903-04 by Edward H. Mitchell and Detroit
Publishing Co. established the format (2, 2a); and it was emulated for
decades by numerous other publishers. Julius Boysen copyrighted his
photo of a gymnast doing a handstand on the rock in 1903, and ordered
lithographed color postcards of the image from M. Rieder of Los
Angeles bearing the title, "A Tumbler of Marvelous Nerve on
Overhanging Rock" When real photo postcards were in vogue ten years
later, Boysen used his original negative of the handstanding man to
make the prints (3, 3a). Raphael Tuck & Sons jumped on the bandwagon
with their "Yosemite Valley" series of printed color cards. One view
pictures Galen Clark, the first Yosemite Guardian, standing on the
snow-covered precipice (4). On the back is the reassuring statement,
"the scene of many dare-devil exploits; but thus far there has never
been an accident."
1910 four photography studios were lined up on the main street of
Upper Village near Sentinel Bridge, all competing to satisfy the
raging demand for views. D. J. Foley's Yosemite Falls Studio had been
established in 1891, Julius Boysen set up in 1900, and Best's Studio
was started by landscape artist Harry Cassie Best in 1902. In 1903
Eugene Hallet and Harold A. Taylor built the Studio of the Three
Arrows, purchased four years later by Arthur Clarence Pillsbury who
proved to be the most enthusiastic and creative of the early
commercial photographers.
Pillsbury ran his scenic photographic business, Pillsbury's Pictures,
from the main office in Oakland, but he and his family would summer in
Yosemite Valley to capture images of the scenery and produce real
photo postcards for the tourist trade. Pillsbury's companion on his
excursions up and down the Valley was a small donkey named "Winkey,"
employed to carry photographic equipment when he wasn't packing around
the photographer's children. On one trip up to Glacier Point,
Pillsbury coaxed the docile animal out onto Overhanging Rock for a
portrait. You can almost hear the brave burro muttering to himself as
he patiently cooperates with the cameraman (5).
first automobile to enter Yosemite was a Locomobile steam car driven
by Oliver Lippincott who operated the Art Photo Co. in Los Angeles.
Lippincott and his mechanic arrived June 24, 1900 and spent several
weeks taking pictures to promote both Yosemite and the Locomobile.
Eventually the locals persuaded Edward Russell, the mechanic, to drive
the vehicle up the steep and serpentine Glacier Point Road to the
Mountain House hotel. They arrived in the dark after five hours on the
road. The next morning according to Lippincott, "Nothing would do but
that the Locomobile must go out on the overhanging rock where only the
most fearless and level-headed have ever dared to stand." With ropes
tied to their waists, several men tugged and prodded the little car
out on the narrow, jutting slab. Lippincott continues, "The women
buried their heads in their hands, horrified at the sight. I firmly
believe that if the machine had gone over, every man of the party
would have gone with it. We hung on with tooth and nail while the
camera was adjusted. No picture was ever so long in being taken."
Pillsbury never forgot the photo of the Locomobile on Overhanging
Rock, and ultimately decided he would stage a similar exhibition for
his own camera. On June 10, 1916 Pillsbury broke the driving time
record from Oakland to Yosemite in his new Studebaker Six, covering
the distance via Big Oak Flat Road in less than nine hours. Three
months later, to prove he could pass yet another difficult test, he
navigated the Studebaker up to Glacier Point on a sunny mid-September
morning. Surveying the approach to Overhanging Rock it was determined
that a runway was necessary to pass over several boulders that barred
the way. Carpenters working on the Desmond Glacier Point Hotel quickly
agreed to erect a trestle, and the car was slowly edged outward. The
rock measures roughly seven feet wide and fourteen feet long, and
beneath falls blue space for 3240 feet. The driver stopped about a
foot from the rock's end. Pillsbury's photo postcard recording the
event shows Foster Curry at the wheel and Arthur Pillsbury himself
straddling the hood. Pennants reading "Yosemite" and "Studebaker 1916"
are attached to the car. Facial expressions on the fourteen people
around and in the automobile betray some degree of tension; but seven
raised arms, some holding hats, succeed in giving a wave. Two of the
men appear to be the helpful carpenters (6).
Countless additional postcard views of Overhanging Rock at Glacier
Point have been published over the years as real photos, colored
lithos, linens, and chromes. They are most popular in vertical format,
but a few are horizontal assuring that Half Dome is included in the
panorama (7). When the view is taken from the east side of the rock,
looking westward, the background becomes upper and lower Yosemite
Falls (8). Other cards showing an overhanging rock inhabited by
adventurous souls appear at first glance to be Glacier Point, but
closer inspection reveals that the granite formations are different
and they are titled, "Overhanging Rock, Half Dome" (9). That, however,
is another story.
many years a sign stood at the brink of Glacier Point that warned, "It
is 3000 feet to the Bottom and no undertaker to meet you. TAKE NO
CHANCES. There is a difference between bravery and just plain ORDINARY
FOOLISHNESS." After pipe railings were installed, the sign
disappeared. Reportedly it had been stacked with some fir bark and
became part of a Firefall.
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