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Your Questions and Answers About Post Cards

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If you are already a member, just click "Sign In" at the SFBAPCC group to sign-in:

Then, address your email question to club-group
postcard.org , and send it.
SFBPCC has chosen to use Yahoo! Groups because of its ability to accept images in JPG and GIF file formats. Yahoo! Groups restricts messages to 1 megabyte in size to prevent abuse.
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Help for the SFBAPCC Yahoo! Group
How can I ask a question or post an email message to the group?
Join the Group
FIRST, you must join the SFBAPCC group.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only post to groups you've joined, and only from email addresses registered with Yahoo! Groups. If you misspell the name of a group, or attempt to send an email from an account other than the one you joined under, your message will not be delivered.
Send Your Email Message
THEN, address your message to club-group
postcard.org, and send it.
You can attach image files in JPG and GIF formats to your email message. Yahoo! Groups restricts messages to 1 megabyte in size to prevent abuse.
Replying to a sfbapcc Yahoo! Group Message
When replying to ANY Yahoo! Groups email message, the reply address will ALWAYS automatically come up as "sfbapcc
yahoogroups.com." It doesn't matter if you chose "reply" or "reply all." So, please always check any reply email addresses to be sure they meet your expectations before you send your message.
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If all else fails, email your question to directly to SFBAPCC by ordinary email at
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About Questions at the SFBAPCC Q&A Forum
FREE APPRAISALS are always available in person at our monthly club meetings. If you plan to attend a club meeting for an appraisal, please alert us by email at alerts
postcard.org, so you and the appraiser(s) won't miss each other. The dates of our club meetings can be found at http://postcard.org/calendar.htm.
If you cannot come to San Francisco then please check our postcard calendar at http://postcard.org/calendar.htm to see if there will be a show near you where you can see postcard dealers.
If no shows are listed near you, send an email message to club-group
postcard.org: state your location and ask if anyone knows of postcard shows in your area.
Please ask questions here about your postcard's date, image location, publisher and other background information. We can tell you if your postcard seems to be relatively common or uncommon.
Please, no questions about specific postcard values, prices or sales.
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Frequently asked Questions:
What are the copyright restrictions pertaining to the reproduction of postcard images -- especially those taken from companies that appear to be defunct? (When are the images in the public domain?)
U.S. Copyright, Public Domain Reference Chart
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How can I protect my postcards?
What kinds of postcard albums are available?
Protecting Postcards and Postcard Albums
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I found some very old postcards. What are they worth?
SFBAPCC postcard appraisals, values and sales
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What is the year-by-year history of U.S. postcard postage rates?
U.S. Postcard Postage Rate History
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What can you tell me about the postcards I inherited?
So, You Inherited a Postcard Collection...

Last updated:
12/28/2019 05:48:39 PM -0500
Jack Daley, Webmaster