Exaggeration Cards
Gallery 5, Part 1 of 3
Notes by Lewis Baer
Exaggeration cards were a purely
American phenomenon that stemmed from the pioneer braggadocio of the
westward expansion. Those old timers wanted everyone to know that they
had the biggest and best of everything. Some of the first exaggeration
cards appeared about 1905 from Fresno, and real photo publishers in
the Midwest began producing Bunyonesque cards utilizing props and
darkroom legerdemain. Edward H. Mitchell was quick to spot a good
thing, and his San Francisco publishing house was soon offering giant
California fruits and vegetables that enhanced the romantic image of
California as the agricultural wonderland.

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Gallery 5, Part 2 of 3 Continued...
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Last updated: 11/06/2013 03:45:32 PM -0500
Jack Daley, Webmaster