Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

Star Maiden

Star Maidens [Starmaidens] positioned at the Court of the Universe Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

The Star Maidens [Starmaidens] were sculpted by A. Stirling Calder and were positioned along the whole upper balustrade of the Court of the Universe.  

Click to Enlarge Image: Star Maidens [Starmaidens] Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

PDF Star Maidens [Starmaidens] (787 KB)  Zoom with pdf magnify tool: Magnify - Zoom

One of the Star Maidens [Starmaidens] can be seen today in an upstairs sculpture gallery of the Oakland Museum.     

From the Collection of Jack Daley

Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915 Postal Cancellation         Panama Pacific International Exposition PPIE 1915

"San Francisco Celebrates"
Postcard Image Gallery:

1. Great White Fleet

2. Portola Festival

3. California Adm. Day

4. Pan. - Pac. Int. Expo.

5. Golden Gate Int. Expo.


Last updated: 09/16/2007 02:33:54 AM -0400
Jack Daley, Webmaster