San Francisco Portolá [Portola]
Festival 1909
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Portola - Part 1 of 5
The Portolá [Portola] Festival
of 1909
A Party with a Purpose
John T. Freeman,
excerpts from SFBAPCC September 2003
When Queen Virgilia of the Portolá [Portola] Festival issued her
Proclamation of Pleasure just before the opening in October 1909,
she said “the festival has twofold significance, not only to celebrate
the discovery of San Francisco Bay by Don Gaspar de Portolá [Portola],
but it marks San Francisco’s renaissance from ruin.” In historical
retrospect, Queen Virgilia’s list should have more items of
significance. The Portolá [Portola] Festival demonstrated to the
world that San Francisco had the ability to sponsor a major civic
event and it bolstered the city’s case for hosting the Panama Pacific
International Exposition in 1915. It also served to engender respect
for the Asian population, becoming the first major civic event
enthusiastically supported by both the Chinese and Japanese
communities. This first Portolá [Portola] Festival was a wildly
successful five-day party, with an innocence and revelry never before
seen in the history of San Francisco.

Portolá [Portola]
Oct. 19-23, 1909, San Francisco, California.
One of the first orders of business in preparation for the 1909
Festival was to decide on a theme that would encourage activities,
establish event colors and provide a general structure. Gaspar de
Portolá [Portola]’s “discovery” of San Francisco Bay in 1769 was
selected as the theme. It was a perfect compliment to the
romanticized Mission period fad of the times. During the spring and
summer of 1909, various discovery postcards were issued to publicize
the five-day Portolá [Portola] Festival. The
official poster and
postcard image was chosen, by artist’s competition in June, from a
painting by Randall W. Borough. The picture was described as
depicting “a girl of the Spanish type seen dancing with all the
abandon of the race, her eyes a-sparkle with the excitement of the
moment, her red lips parted, roses in her hair, in her hands and
strewn around her —the very essence of youthful vitality. In the
background is the tower of the ferry building and the structures of
the ‘new’ city, and beyond lie the mountains.” The theme honored a
Spaniard but presented a problem of pronunciation. Was it to be Por-TOE-la
or Por-toe-LA? The San Francisco Call reported that Portolá
[Portola] committee member James Rolph gave a speech to the Chamber of
Commerce the week preceding the opening in which he “varied the accent
all along the keyboard.” Linguists and scholars were consulted and it
was unanimously agreed that pronunciation “should be a crescendo,
ending with a crash on the LA.”

Portolá's [Portola's] First View of
San Francisco Bay
backers of the 1909 Portolá [Portola] Festival had other agendas
besides providing a site for a big party. San Francisco before the
earthquake had been a major tourist destination. Its economy was
diversified with imports from Asian and other Pacific rim countries,
and exports of California’s huge agricultural bounty. It was
important to demonstrate to the rest of the world that San Francisco
was an exciting destination and to provide confidence to businessmen
that the city could handle every commercial challenge. A lot was
riding on the success of this festival.
April 18, 1906 earthquake and resulting three days of fire profoundly
changed San Francisco. Almost four square miles, nearly 500 blocks of
commercial and residential property, were destroyed. Many San
Franciscans fled to neighboring communities, but those who remained
faced the indignity of food lines and temporary shelter. Residents
whose homes were spared from fire endured weeks or months cooking in
the street while waiting for an inspector to check the condition of
their homes’ chimneys. The local press —obsessed by governmental
corruption, crippling labor strikes and Asian-bashing —did not do much
to strengthen the residents’ morale. For over three years San
Franciscans lived through the grime and dust of rebuilding the city.
Downtown was a construction site with all the noise and grit that
entails. Gradually, salvageable buildings were restored and new
buildings were erected. By 1909 commercial and retail businesses were
moving back downtown from their temporary locations on Van Ness Avenue
or Fillmore Street. The people who had endured the hardships of those
three years deserved a reward. They were justifiably proud of their
new city and anxious to show off their achievement. San Franciscans
were ready to celebrate.
Charles C. Moore, a leading San Francisco businessman, was sent by
the festival committee to Europe to secure support for the Festival.
Armed with a portfolio of before and after photos, and exuding charm
and enthusiasm, he was able to get promises from the British, Dutch,
Germans and Italians to send warships to participate in the Portolá
[Portola] Festival. These were major commitments and raised the level
of the festival to international status. With the addition of
Japanese and American warships the naval presence in San Francisco Bay
was most dramatic. On shore, naval officers and enlisted men would
become vital players in the festival. Moore’s diplomatic skills were
highly praised and within months after the close of the Portolá
[Portola] Festival he was heading the Panama Pacific International
Exposition commission.

Portolá [Portola]
Festival San Francisco,
Mayor Taylor Presenting the Key to the City to Don Gaspar de Portolá
By opening day, October 19th, San Francisco was transformed into a
carnival midway from the Ferry Building out into the neighborhoods.
In daylight San Francisco was a mass of red and yellow, the Catalonian
colors of Portolá [Portola]. Banners, bunting and flags draped
buildings and stretched across major streets. With nightfall more
than a million lights illuminated downtown, the arched intersections
of Fillmore Street and the retail section of Mission Street. The
Ferry Building, St. Francis Hotel, Humboldt Savings Bank and other
major buildings were outlined in lights. All along Market Street,
from the Ferry Building to the Van Ness Avenue intersection, lights
were strung curb to curb every forty feet. The most spectacular
lighting display was at the intersection of Market and Third Streets
where 25,000 colored lights were suspended to form a gigantic bell.
In the harbor were seventeen warships also outlined with lights. The
entire north end of the peninsula was an awesome display of color by
day and lights by night. Away from the center of downtown, the
Portolá [Portola] Festival held sporting events in Golden Gate Park.
Championship matches were played at the tennis courts. Further out,
at the Stadium (now called Polo Fields) were track and field
competitions, football, rugby and lacrosse matches. There were
swimming races held at Spreckels Lake. In the Ingleside area, a major
golf tournament was held at the San Francisco Country Club, drawing
some of the leading professional and amateur golfers in the country.
For five days festivities of joy and spectacle reigned. There were
two days of huge parades with marching military and fraternal units,
bands, and floats on Market Street. A formal dress ball and a masked
ball were featured on two of the evenings. An automobile parade with
1, 600 decorated vehicles wound the lengths of Van Ness Avenue and
Market Street. In Oakland 200,000 people cheered auto racers as they
sped 12 times around a 21 mile course that circled from Melrose to
Hayward and back. Every evening of the festival there were fireworks
displays in Union Square and a tightrope walker high above Third and
Market Streets to awe the crowds. Over the course of five days 75,000
visitors took launches out to tour the warships, with the Japanese
vessel leading in popularity. The culmination of the festival was
called the Historic Pageant with floats moving along Market Street
depicting historical events, surrounded by costumed marchers. Along
with the moving floats, were seven immense stationary floats or
tableaux. Each was 46 feet long, mounted on rail flatcars and weighed
more than 60 tons. Starting at the Ferry Building Plaza, these floats
were stationed about two blocks apart along Market Street. All were
decked in lights and featured bands and space around them for
dancing. Many of these tableaux had cascades of real water to dazzle
the crowds. All week long San Francisco resembled Mardi Gras, but
more so on the last night of the festival. Most of the revelers wore
costumes, and confetti covered them like a snowstorm. Besides what
was thrown by hand, there was a volcano float that spewed out

Meet me at the Portola
[Portola] Festival
San Francisco, October 19th to 23rd
After the close of the festival, when the organizing committee and the
press evaluated the Portolá [Portola] week, it was rated an
unqualified success. Businessmen were effusive in their praise as
they calculated that the festival had brought over a million visitors
to San Francisco who had spent $1.5 million. There had been an
unprecedented spirit of cooperation from all segments of the
community, but particular note was made of the Asians. After years of
vilifying Asians, the San Francisco press praised the Imperial navy
and the beauty of the special cherry blossoms it had brought for the
Japanese float. The Chinese community used the Portolá [Portola]
Festival as a “coming out” after years of isolation. Chinatown had
been rebuilt after the earthquake with tourism in mind. In the
festival the Chinese introduced such spectacular floats, lion dancers
and dragons, that a rear admiral commented he’d never seen their equal
in all his years in Asian ports. Immediate interest was expressed in
making the Portolá [Portola] Festival an annual event, like Mardi Gras
in New Orleans or the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia. The press also
editorialized about San Francisco having demonstrated to the world
that it was ready to host a world’s fair by 1913, to celebrate the
anticipated completion of the Panama Canal in that year.
The Portolá [Portola] Festival did not become an annual event. The
following year, the festival was co-opted by the sixtieth anniversary
of Admission Day. It was restaged in 1913, tying it with Balboa’s
discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513. In 1948, the third Portolá
[Portola] Festival was held in San Francisco to stimulate post-World
War II business. Neither of these events approached the vitality and
lavishness of the original celebration. The first festival had the
spirit of a newlywed’s housewarming party that subsequent celebrations
never would equal.
Portola - Part 2 (Portolá [Portola]
Festival of 1909) Continued...
Last updated: 11/06/2013 03:45:35 PM -0500
Jack Daley, Webmaster
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