Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915
Home Page Slide Show Highlights
PPIE - Part
1 of 12
Illumination of the PPIE
Presentation by Laura Ackley on March 22, 2003
at Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, California
Notes by Lew Baer
Excerpts from SFBAPCC April 2003 Newsletter

Panorama Postcard
Program Notes: This month we will welcome members and visitors to our annual
Panama Pacific International Exposition PPIEorama of postcards, memorabilia,
stories and historical data related to that great fair of 1915 which celebrated
the opening of the Panama Canal and the rebirth of San Francisco. From the
rubble and ashes of nine years before, the city had arisen to great beauty and
glory and was beneficiary of the new shortcut between the Pacific shore and the
ports of the East Coast and Europe. There was plenty to celebrate. Laura Ackley,
our Guеst speaker, will tell us about the Lighting of the Panama Pacific
International Exposition (PPIE), the subject of her recent Master’s thesis. Her
talk includes a computer based display.

PPIE Night
Panorama Postcard
Laura thanked Dave Parry for inviting her to speak to the club and began by
asking who collected Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE). A forest of
hands went up. Who does so on eBay? A thicket of hands arose. Laura has written
a still to be published book on the fair, and she is always looking for Panama
Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) technical and lighting items.

PPIE Diorama PDF file (631 KB)
Zoom with pdf magnify tool:

As she started her computer slide show she spoke of architectural history and
pageant lighting, and told that the Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE)
was the first time some lighting techniques were employed that are still in use
today. The fair was originally proposed in 1904, but plans were halted in 1906
and restarted again six months after the earthquake and fire.

Panorama PDF file (371 KB)
Zoom with pdf magnify tool:

A postcard image of the opening day of the fair filled the screen, a sea of
heads in front of the Fountain of Energy and the arched hedge of living ice
plant. Another slide: the Scintillator, the fan of colored light beams that is
seen on many nighttime fair views.

PPIE Map PDF file (659 KB)
Zoom with pdf magnify tool:

Larger PPIE Map PDF file
(981 KB) with Race Track and The Zone
Next, the giant typewriter that typed out
headlines in real time and told of the sinking of the Lusitania. A view of the
intricate General Electric exhibit; the company had sent its best engineers to
the fair. Walter D’Arcy Ryan, whose lighting we were learning about was a chief
of GE’s technical division and bore the title of Illuminating Lighting Engineer.
Most new inventions at that time were first seen by the public at world fairs.
PPIE - Part 2 (Panama
Pacific International Exposition) Continued...
Last updated: 11/06/2013 03:45:34 PM -0500
Jack Daley, Webmaster
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"San Francisco
Postcard Image Gallery