Point Bonita Light

Foghorn on Golden Gate Bridge

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    Listen to Foghorn on Golden Gate Bridge*



 Foghorn on Golden Gate Bridge

    Listen to Fog Horn on Golden Gate Bridge*


Simultaneously, 2 foghorns on the south tower of the Golden Gate Bridge sound together to make a single blast every 20 seconds, while the Golden Gate Bridge mid-channel fog diaphone sounds two blasts every 40 seconds.


Inbound ships heading into San Francisco Bay steer left of the foghorn on the south tower and right of the mid-channel fog diaphone.  Outbound ships stay to the right of the mid-channel fog diaphone.  Fog is most prevalent at the Golden Gate in July and August. 


The Point Bonita Light is 2.5 miles due west of the Bridge.


Golden Gate Fog

Fort Point, Golden Gate, San Francisco, Cal. 1904



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* To listen to the foghorn on the Golden Gate Bridge, an mp3 audio file player plugin is required.  Please download free Apple Quicktime, free Winamp, or free RealPlayer if needed.

Last updated:  02/14/2017 07:01:43 PM -0500

Jack Daley, Webmaster

webmaster at postcard.org

Jack Daley, Instructor, City College of San Francisco (CCSF)